Today the big ten released their new logo and the division names...
Legends Division
Leaders Division
... really? I understand you don't want to commit to limiting yourself by east and west...but this is the best you can come up with? and what is wrong with East and West? Don't want to misguide anyone? well guess what there are 12 teams in the big ten so I don't think people will care if one team from the East division is a little on the west side. besides if you cut the conference up geographically it actually creates better divisions and makes more sense then how they did it...
great job big ten. its bad enough we have to lose to the SEC every bowl season but now we have to deal with these worthless names... I'm not even going to get started on the new trophy names... I've never heard of sharing a trophy with two names before...
It isn't called the Lombardi-Brown Trophy
or the O'Brien-Brown Trophy
just pick a guy to name it after...wow