Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lbs - Adam

My facebook chat with Travis:

I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when we get there but right now I need an idea for a blog because this one is hitting hard!


why wash your hands after you touch your dick? You should wash before, to get the germs off your hands before you touch your dick. Boom. Blog.

Despite the genius recommendation I think I'll pass and settle for a simple story that happened to me this past week:

as some of you may know I was offered a full time position at my current place of employment. This is good news for any college student, to have a job right out of the gate (with benefits to boot). So Monday was my first official day. But Wednesday I woke up with my left eye crusted shut of course to me this is no big deal so I shower and head to work. One of my coworkers looks at me eye and says "pink eye" so I consult others and they all seem to agree so I have to leave work for 2 hours and go to urgent care drop $75 bones and get some eye drops. This isn't the part I'd like to focus on...

I stepped on the scale and noticed I've lost around 6 lbs!? now for those of you who don't know I'd already consider myself severely under my desired weight so 6 pounds is alot to me since a treasure each one I gain. and I start thinking back to January. I need to hit the gym more how can I just lose 6 pounds? could it be my diet consists of only kroger 3 minute pizzas, kroger spaghetti rings, flavor blasted gold fish, and kroger popcorn? I don't know but I need some tips on how to bulk up. I'm not picky muscle or fat either way works

...damn 6 pounds I was embarrassed for the nurse to see my weight I almost told her to round that up for me.

1 comment:

  1. Eat eggs man. They are cheap and they are packed with the protein necessary to gain weight. Same with PB and Js.
