Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Heat is on! - Adam

As you all know I am officially a Miami Heat fan. and as of Thursday the Trio has been birthed.

Now as you may know in the past I have referred to LeBron James as LeYawn Lames, LBlowJ, Queen James, The Chodesen One and Chokey McChockerson of Choketown, seeing as how certain things have occurred since then i.e. James joining the team I like I am here to officially apologize to the man and defend him much like my second cousin has done.

LeBron, I'm sorry I called you all those names you have gained my respect.

First off Dan Gilbert and the Village of Cleveland in general, back off of my boy LBJ how can you be mad at him for leaving? oh wait that's right now I remember I forgot that LeBron decided to play for the Cavs on his own free will. First off the kid couldn't pick where he grew up so Akron it was, then it wasn't his fault the Cavs where shitty enough to get the number one pick overall.

Remember when James wore the Yankee hat to an Indians game? again he didn't pick where he played he made the best of the situation, did his time and left. was it his idea to hang the giant poster? was it his fault Cleveland fell in love with him?

Now along with playing for the team I like, he also changed his jersey number which I hated that I had to respect him for that because that is just one hell of a classy thing to do (if that is really why he changed his number)

LeBron decideds to take less money for a chance to win a title can anyone blame him? he's been in the league for six years now, straight out of high school all he has done is NBA basketball when that is your life and your only getting older don't you think panic starts to set in, you start thinking about Dan Marion and how everyone says "if only he had a ring" and that is when you need to do whatever will help you sleep at night. you need to do whatever it takes so that once you retire you won't ever have to say "if only things would have been different."

So now Miami Thrice is born and everyone is starting to feel the pressure, have you seen what Otis Smith is saying about LBJ now? he is watching his window for a championship quickly slam shut. and I know what you are thinking... can these three play together? can James walk into Wade's turf and try to dethrone or even step back and take the side kick roll? First off D Wade is a 100% class act if it wasn't for him this would not have been possible, and secondly they can absolutely play together... for one shining moment

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