Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Feared Beard - Adam

For starters I don't know if you guys know this but I switched up my Blogger Profile Pic and I think it looks pretty B.A.

I had to switch it up because my old picture won't make sense with that is coming. But you'll just have to wait to see what I'm talking about

Why can guys grow beards and not most women?

we can sit here all day and talk about chemicals this and chemicals that but when you get right down too it I don't care how much chemicals someone has what could possibly make my body think hmmm hair needs to grow around his cheeks but not too high, no forehead beard,

in nature is the beard a sought after item that only the most dangerous game can attain? and why not women? trust me I' very thankful they don't grow beards, in fact I wouldn't lose sleep at night if their legs and pits couldn't grow hair either.

and why hair? why not something else like finger nails only they would be called cheek nails

or why doesn't the beard hair grow to the length of head hair or at least at the same rate?

either way at the end of the day I think I look more B.A. sporting the beard then not so its whateve

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