Both of these two men were born and raised in Wauseon Ohio and if you don't know where that is get a map. At a very young age family members took note in the two of them and the limitless potential of their friendship. At family reunions they were often greeted by several relatives with the phrase "Here's trouble." Little did those family members know how right they were. In the late summer of 1997 The Wauseon School systems placed both Brian and Adam in the same classroom for their 4th grade school year.
The school year of 1997-1998 is considered by many to be the most influential years of the two young men's lives. Their Fourth Grade Teacher Mrs. Ackerman quickly took notice in their incredible skills in every aspect of the classroom. Brian most notably for mathematics and arithmetical while Adam's strong suits were both recess and lunch. The two of them successfully passed the fourth grade with that Adam would consider minimal difficulty. As the years past the two young minds grew and soon the two of them found themselves having to team up yet again. In Their junior year of High School at Wauseon during the years 2004 to 2005 Brian and Adam
found themselves on the staff for the "Red and White" the High School's news paper. The teacher of the class had informed the two of them that news paper sales were down and that this generation's audience just doesn't care about journalistic integrity. Brian and Adam knew what they had to do they were going to save this paper and it wasn't going to be easy.The Cousins began a very edgy debate section of the paper hitting the tough questions like Prom theme and Spider-man versus Wolverine. To say that the students took notice would be an understatement. The halls were in a roar every student and faculty member was taking sides

Despite the many rumors that poured through class rooms about the two of them hating each other because of the heated debates they published in the paper and Brian's very outspoken love for the Michigan State Spartans while Adam being an Ohio State Buckeye fan the two of them could never care for each other more.
The year wound down and their Teacher couldn't thank them enough for igniting the journalism passion she had forgotten and lost so many years ago. Before the two of them knew it they were entering their final year of High School. The fall of 2005 Adam had joined the Wauseon Football program and during week 10 as the Indians were heading into their last game of the season tragedy struck the dynamic duo.
The younger cousin, Brian, while riding in a vehicle driven by a woman was involved in a disastrous crash. He was on his way to see Adam's final game when the vehicle he was riding in collided with another car. When Adam received the news he was so shocked he couldn't focus during the game and the Indians lost. Brian was forced to reflect on his life the experience had shook the very foundation of his confidence. The two of them grew closer than ever.
After rehab Carr was able to make a full recover from the accident. Just in time for the senior faculty game in the early spring of 2006. The students begged Brian to coach them because he showed signs of a natural born coach but his confidence has shattered ever since the crash and people began to question if he would ever really be himself again. Adam stepped up to the plate in his cousin's darkest hour by becoming the Assistant coach for the students Brian was able to gain back his confidence and although the faculty was able to squeeze by they had never gone up against such coaching. After graduation the two of them went separate ways Brian enrolling at Bowling Green State University while Adam stuck around Northwest Ohio working part time while attending a local community college. As fate would have it the two of them found themselves reunited during the summer of 2008 as maintenance staffers at the summer camp they attended as children.
They were able to once again work side by side only this time they literally were working side by side. Brian and Adam had both transferred schools Brian was now attending Hiram College while Adam was at the Ohio State University. The duo made a working team unlike the camp had ever seen before. By now they were use to the perfect harmony and almost ying and yang sort of combination they were capable of.
As another school year past during the summer of their junior year of college they again met up for the maintenance position at Camp Christian in 2009. After numerous conversations about life and very intellectual topics large amounts of people began to ask the two of them if they could start a blog to publicly share their unique thoughts and ideas. Schuch and Carr were skeptical at first but being very generous and handsome men as they are they decided to comply.
Today the two of them run this very successful Blog. Posting ideas and thoughts they have while using the restroom or as they refer to it doing Paper Work. Adam and Brian hold many meetings despite the vast distance between their two schools. They discuss topics of importance and use very impressive words throughout the meetings. Now having read their past hopefully you have a better understanding of the Second Cousins and an appreciation for their future.
Thank you
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