Sunday, August 1, 2010

Book Smarts - Adam

Books have been around since as long as I can remember. Maybe even longer than that!

It is interesting how no matter how advanced we, the human race, becomes we always seem to still have books around.

now sure paper has gotten more advanced and we have hard cover, paperback, color, pictures and whatever else but in the end it is still a book.

Even with the kindle, ipad, and nook it still seems like books are going strong.

with books on tape, and books still seem to rein supreme.

why is that? what is it about holding that number of pages held together with some binding that is so attractive to humans? no matter how three dimensional our television video games and movies get or how personal blogs and youtube become, it seems like people will always write books, and even more incredible, people will read the actual hard copy of said books.

the newspapers are suffering and soon will be dead (hopefully) but yet books will survive

Jul 495.65
YTD 5674.43

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