Social Life Role Models

Business Life Role Models

Jack Donagy is in control of nearly every aspect of his life. He is a very successful network executive and I would consider him to be a corporate giant. He is wise beyond his years and gives perfectly insightful life lessons and advice to anyone willing to listen. I know it sounds alot like me but there are small differences.

Post Script I would like to apologize if this post isn't as witty as you'd like it to be but honestly it has alot of picture and it took sometime to get them all where I wanted them and I'm not going to spend all day on the John so just tossing that out there
Adam, I would agree with most all of these, especially with Jack. He's just the man, and he gets to date Salma Hayek (one of my top five).
ReplyDeleteNow, I know you are a fan of the Pitt man, but I'm surprised at your choice of role model here. Don't get me wrong, its a great movie, and Bradolph Pitler (line from Bruno) is great in it. The only thing is, Tyler isn't real. He's just a figment of Edward Norton's imagination. That's my main beef with picking him as a role model. Aspiring to be some awesome kick ass Brad Pitt character is certainly understandable, but not one where he isn't even real. I'm surprised you didn't pick perhaps Achilles, or even Mr. Smith. Just my opinion here.
first off you just ruined fight club for those readers who live under a rock and yet still have access to the internet.
ReplyDeletesecond Tyler Durden may be a figment of the imagination but all of my role models are characters as in they are all made up its just that he is a made up person in a made up person's mind which its all the same to me at that point.
Michael Jordan is the only actual person that is BA enough for me to like him as is
1. I don't think you are friends with people who haven't seen Fight Club at least thrice
ReplyDelete2. I was giving you the benefit of having your characters be real, because they at least play real people.
3. I would like to submit a couple of extra possible role models who are real people, and you can tell me if they make the top ten.
Herald B Monroe
Al Channell
Steve Taylor
So in your comment you just said that Michael Jordan was BA enough and my first thought was "Bachelor of Arts" that's just silly. After your blog about the B.A. I will never again look at it the same lol
ReplyDeleteAri Gold?