Tuesday, March 23, 2010

NO dICE - Adam

I'm not a fan of ice in my drinks and for many reasons too

  1. Ice takes up space, more space taken up by ice less drink I'm actually getting.
  2. Ice waters down the drink who wants a water down beverage? not this guy
  3. It can get painful if the drink is too cold and your teeth are sensitive and no body wants that.
  4. Ice can get in the way too if I'm really thirsty, trying to drink a lot, the ice is bumping my mouth blocking passage for drink to get through.
  5. I don't really care all that much about this point but they say ice in restaurants is one of the dirtiest parts of the establishment
So no thanks I'll just have the drink without any ice to block and water down it. more bang for your buck

1 comment:

  1. I agree with some of this. Why just the other day I was at bdubs with some friends and low and behold I spilled water everywhere because when I took a sip the ice came crashing down.

    But, if you make drinks at home you can actually make your drink into the ice cubes. This helps keep your drink cold and it doesn't water it down any. I use to do that when I was a kid with my kool-aid haha
