Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Death - Adam

this post could be the most depressing thing you'll ever read. have you ever seen those stats how every blank minuet someone dies from blank? well I always think about those so I did alittle research and I can't site my sources and I don't know if these findings have been published on a peer reviewed journal but something to munch on...

About every minute someone dies from cardiovascular
every 11 minutes someone dies in an auto accident
Every 15 Minues, someone dies from an alcohol related collision.
Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use
Every three minutes someone dies of cancer
a stroke occurs every 45 seconds, and every 3 minutes someone dies of stroke
every 40 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes and someone dies from diabetes related complications every 3 minutes.
Today, someone develops dementia every five minutes
Every 15 seconds, somewhere in the world, a child dies from pneumonia
Every 26 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack
Every minute of every day, two people die from sepsis in the United States
Every 10 minutes, someone dies from rabies
in India, someone dies of tuberculosis every minute
In South Africa, someone dies due to human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS every 10 minutes
In the US someone dies by suicide every 16 minutes
every nine minutes, someone dies from colorectal cancer

I'll let you maul that over. Now think about it this way
every hour: 60 people die from cardiovascular disease, 5 people die from an auto accident, 4 people die from an alcohol related collision, 450 people die from tobacco use, 20 people die of cancer, 80 people have a stoke and 20 of them die, 90 people are diagnosed with diabetes and 20 of them die from diabetes related complications, 12 people develop dementia, 240 children die of pneumonia, 138 people suffer a heart attack in America alone, 120 Americans die from sepsis, 6 people die from rabies, 60 Indians die from tuberculosis, 6 South Africans die from HIV or AIDS, 3 Americans kill themselves, and 6 people die from colorectal cancer.

if you do the math that means at least 1020 human beings die every hour of every day. Think about how long it has taken you to read this blog. Many human's lives have just ended, their stories are over

population of world: 6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.)

that's some heavy stuff, and I don't like thinking about it and if you are asking yourself "why Adam why would you do this? what kind of person wants to know these numbers? YOU'RE SICK" That makes sense to me. If nothing else its nice to know that statistically I cheat death every day. Having said that, this could be my last blog post statistically speaking.


  1. A suggestion for your next blog, since you've already established the frailty of human existance, how about next time your being produmptive you write about how to live acknowledging the fact that were all fucking dead already.

    Oh and you better look out for that cardiovascular disease you fat ass.

    Good blog.
