Sunday, January 31, 2010
Blow Bowl - Brian
This could be one of the worst ideas ever. By playing it before the big game, they are eliminating a lot of potential players from the game, and adding some suspect players to the Pro Bowl roster.
This idea has already eliminated two of the top three quarterbacks from the Pro Bowl (Manning and Brees, duh). Not to mention all of the other players who can't participate because they are on a good team. I mean, the two best teams have to have a lot of Pro Bowl players, right? So by putting the Pro Bowl game before the Superbowl, you have trimmed the legitimate Pro Bowl roster by about 10 players.
So this year, it's not really the best players playing in the Pro Bowl, but the players whose teams couldn't make the Superbowl. Basically we are punishing players for being a part of the best teams in the game. Doesn't make much sense to me. But what do I know, I'm just a fan.
Dream Boat - Adam
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Oven - Adam
"why don't you cook those pizza rolls in the oven they will taste better and be nice and crispy"there is a huge difference between the microwave and the oven allow me to explain:
the kitchen is like a casino to me. There are all kinds of games to play and essentially you get the same out come, money (or in this case food). like any casino game higher the risk, higher the reward. obviously chips and fridge ready foods like yogurt are low risk they are like scratch off tickets.
the microwave in my eyes is the slot machine it takes no skill whatsoever to operate and it has a very insignificant cost like a nickel machine. you can't mess up food in the microwave you set it in there set the timer and boom its done and although it might not taste the best I got what I wanted and I'm ready to cash out
the oven in my eyes is like the craps table no one knows how the heck to play craps or probably a more accurate example would be the black jack table. You have to know what you are doing preheat the oven, set a separate timer, set the right temperature on the oven, flip the food halfway through. you leave the food in too long its burnt and uneatable or not long enough and its cold or uncooked. however if you are talented enough to be able to count cards the oven or black jack table can be the best place for you in the casino you will win big and walk out with a huge reward.
However I cannot count cards so for the time being I'll stick to my slot machine along with all the other grandmas for hours on end because although I can't burn the food there is a rare chance I'll land all 7's and hit pay dirt
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sick Days - Adam
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New Year Same Date? - Adam
Victory - Brian
Kentucky lost for the first time tonight, which means my prediction on no undefeated teams in my lifetime is safe for this season, as UK was the last unbeaten.
Does the fact that my first prediction is holding up perfectly create a little more confidence in you that I know what I'm talking about?
Ok well that's all for right now, and thanks for believing in me.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Nickle and Dime - Adam
Retire - Brian
He has already gone on record saying he is highly unlikely to come back next year (yea, like we haven't heard that one before). Is Brett just looking to tear out the hearts of one more fan base?
I don't even need to explain how he tore the hearts out of Packers fans. Then he has the Jets looking like Super Bowl contenders in the first half of the season before Favre has a mid-life crisis and completely derails the Jets team, allowing them to miss the playoffs all together. Then he takes Minnesota to a 10-1 start and eventually to the NFC championship. And when it seems like he is about to lead them to victory, he throws an interception in the waning seconds, eliminating the chance for the Vikes kicker to get the win. The game proceeds into overtime where all Brett can do is sit on the sidelines and watch the Saints march down the field and win it.
So NFL fans across the country, do you really want Brett Favre on your team?
One thing to add: Brett Favre has lost credibility in my eyes. You know how former movie and TV stars, and athletes, endorse things on commercials? Well if you have this sense of trust with that person, either because of their show or TV or because of how they played their sport, you would be more than willing to buy whatever product they sell. To me, I would never buy anything Favre sells because I can't trust the man. Look at how many times he has "retired." I just wouldn't know if he is telling me the truth in his commercial.
On the other had, I love the show Law & Order and the lawyer Jack McCoy was my favorite character. Now he is advertising for Ameritrade, and because of that trust he built in me from watching that show, I will gladly buy into Ameritrade (even though I'm not 100% sure what it is).
So Brett, don't try to sell me something I might otherwise enjoy. I don't want to be another fan who has to hate you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Scott's Birthday - Adam
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Blogging - Adam
Friday, January 22, 2010
What... - Brian

If this is kept by Michigan State, I may not be able to put up with all of the dissapointing football season. MSU's logo is one of the best in the college game, and changing it upsets me and I might have to choose a new team if this stands...ok, probably not but what a stupid change to make. Being a Spartan fan just got a little bit harder...
Newtus - Adam
When you win a game, you riot. When you lose a game, you riot. When spring comes, you riot. African-American Heritage Festival weekend, you riotHave any of you heard of one single riot at Ohio State since Newtus showed up? I didn't think so what is happening to this University and its Football fans? They aren't what they use to be. it is a tradition that the old Brutus we all knew and loved represented and I'm not going to let Newtus take that away from us. The question is are you just going to sit back and do nothing about this change of power...or are you going to stand beside me and together we can flip this car
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Death - Adam
About every minute someone dies from cardiovascular
every 11 minutes someone dies in an auto accident
Every 15 Minues, someone dies from an alcohol related collision.
Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use
Every three minutes someone dies of cancer
a stroke occurs every 45 seconds, and every 3 minutes someone dies of stroke
every 40 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes and someone dies from diabetes related complications every 3 minutes.
Today, someone develops dementia every five minutes
Every 15 seconds, somewhere in the world, a child dies from pneumonia
Every 26 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack
Every minute of every day, two people die from sepsis in the United States
Every 10 minutes, someone dies from rabies
in India, someone dies of tuberculosis every minute
In South Africa, someone dies due to human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS every 10 minutes
In the US someone dies by suicide every 16 minutes
every nine minutes, someone dies from colorectal cancer
I'll let you maul that over. Now think about it this way
every hour: 60 people die from cardiovascular disease, 5 people die from an auto accident, 4 people die from an alcohol related collision, 450 people die from tobacco use, 20 people die of cancer, 80 people have a stoke and 20 of them die, 90 people are diagnosed with diabetes and 20 of them die from diabetes related complications, 12 people develop dementia, 240 children die of pneumonia, 138 people suffer a heart attack in America alone, 120 Americans die from sepsis, 6 people die from rabies, 60 Indians die from tuberculosis, 6 South Africans die from HIV or AIDS, 3 Americans kill themselves, and 6 people die from colorectal cancer.
if you do the math that means at least 1020 human beings die every hour of every day. Think about how long it has taken you to read this blog. Many human's lives have just ended, their stories are over
population of world: 6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.)
that's some heavy stuff, and I don't like thinking about it and if you are asking yourself "why Adam why would you do this? what kind of person wants to know these numbers? YOU'RE SICK" That makes sense to me. If nothing else its nice to know that statistically I cheat death every day. Having said that, this could be my last blog post statistically speaking.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Undefeated - Brian
It is one of the greatest feats in sports to go undefeated in a college basketball season. Only 7 teams in the history of Division I basketball have gone undefeated (including the postseason, meaning they won the NCAA championship). The last to do it? The 1976 Indiana Hoosiers under the infamous Bob Knight. There have also been a few teams to finish the regular season undefeated, but not win the NCAA title (11 to be exact), with the 1991 UNLV team the last to do it.
We have had some teams come close lately. Illinois almost did it in 2004-2005 before losing to Ohio State in the last game of the season. Saint Joseph's came close too in 2003-2004 before losing in the first round of the A-10 conference tournament (and yes, I count conference tournaments as the regular season).
But we will be lucky if we ever see another undeafeated team, even in the regular season. I personally don't think I will see it in my lifetime (really pulling for a Kentucky loss soon this season). Why? Because college basketball has become so much more competitive. It's not uncommon to see teams like BYU, Northern Iowa, Siena, and William and Mary working their way into the top 25 and beating the "big" teams.
There are more good players going to more teams and its allowing the teams from the smaller conferences to compete with teams from power conferences, and it seems like almost anyone can beat anyone on any given day. And I love it.
So try not to get upset when your team loses; it happens to everyone.
Fun fact for the day: If a college basketball player dunks during pre-game warm-ups, he is called for a technical foul that will take place once the game starts.
Snuggie - Adam
My snuggie She say she like My snuggie, I'm fresh YEP! fly then a mu*fuckaso since I did technically say I would use it if I did get a snuggie I use it as a blanket. I refuse to put my arms through the arm holes. Instead I just throw it over me like a normal giant Ohio State themed blanket.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Snow White - Adam
Sunday, January 17, 2010
All-Star? - Brian
This is especially a problem when it comes to this year. The fans' votes currently have Allen Iverson and Tracy McGrady as starters for this years game. I will give you a few seconds to read that sentence over again...
Allen Iverson (14.9 ppg, 4.4 apg) does not deserve to start. He doesn't even deserve to be an All-Star this year. And this is coming from a guy who loves AI and would put him as one of the best 25 players of all time. But I am also realistic, and he does not deserve to play in the All-Star game this year.
Tracy McGrady (3.2 ppg, 1 apg) is by far the worst All-Star selection...ever. He is currently pegged as a starter in the latest polls, and he has hardly played this year. What makes it worse is that no NBA team wants him (the Rockets have been trying to trade him for two years now). The All-Star voting should only look at their stats for this year, but clearly these fans are using the players career numbers to vote them in.
So until fans can get it right, their role for voting in All-Star players should be limited. Maybe then they will do their homework before voting.
Dress To Impress - Adam
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Mac vs PC - Adam
"Doesn't get PC viruses. Designed with security in mind, Mac OS X isn’t plagued by constant attacks from PC viruses and malware. Likewise, it won’t slow you down with constant security alerts and sweeps."Macs don't get viruses its enough for anyone to want a mac right away am I right? well not this consumer. this type of thinking is exactly what will keep me using my PC. aside from a MacintoshBook costing over $1000 as apposed to my Dell that I got for a cool $400 lets look at this objectively. Why do PCs have viruses, spyware, adware, malware? Because for the moment PCs are the majority of the market share. If Macs keep increasing their market share slowly but surely they will become the majority. And as the quote mentioned Macs don't slow you down with constant security alters and sweeps thus leaving them defenseless. once the scales tip toward Mac the virus and malware designers will focus more on Macintosh Computers and leave PCs to become the new minority thus freeing us from the virus worries. So as for me and Steve...we'll keep our Dells and hold out for the market change.
Monopoly - Brian
As some of you know, Reebok is the exclusive apparel of the NFL. They are the only company that can produce NFL licensed products. It wasn't always that way. Back in the late 90's you had numerous companies (including Nike, Champs, and American Needle) producing NFL products for different teams. In 2001 the NFL signed an exclusive deal with Reebok that cut every other business out of the NFL merchandise market. American Needle sued the NFL for creating a monopoly and controlling the market for NFL apparel.
That is the quick summary of the case. The NFL is defending itself in say that the league is not 32 different teams, but that it is one large company. If the Supreme Court rules that the NFL is in fact just one company, it cannot be considered a monopoly.
Why does this case matter to the average fan? If the NFL is found to be just one large company, it will be able to control everything in the NFL. This means it could create standardized prices for tickets to all NFL games. So if you are going to go see a bad team like the Lions, you will have to pay the same price as if you were going to see perennial contenders like Indy or New England. Doesn't seem very fair, does it? Back in the 90's you could buy a jersey for $80 because of the competition between companies. Now you would be lucky to find one for under $200. That's how it will be throughout the rest of the league prices.
One other pitfall: The owners of each team, acting as one large company, could set contract prices for each player. That means that the owners can decide that Player X would be considered worth $800,000 per year, no matter what team he played for. This eliminates the competitive market for players to negotiate with teams.
Think this would be a problem? I do.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Fridays - Adam
First the day starts off like any other waking up to 97.1 The Fan at 9:00 I then proceed down to the first floor where my good friend and roommate Annebell Fogarty is brewing the best part of waking up. After her and I enjoy a cup of Seattle soup she then leaves for class and this is where Friday is separated from all other weekdays. Friday I don't have classes so I get alot of important things done. I grab my laundry basket and wash my clothes because I only own seven shirts which makes Fridays very crucial to my life. Next I enter the lavatory and perform the three vital S's in every man's life Shave, Shower, and Blog. "But Adam why is Friday so important then? I do the S's of men every morning." congratulations one-upper, not everyone has the ability to grow a beard so fast or the pocket book to just use that kind of hot water daily or the dietary fiber to be so regular. My beard comes in slowly but surely so I only need a good shave every Friday. Since Pam bought me Taco Bell Bucks for Christmas I've been enjoying Denise's incredible deal while its still cool. Had I not been purchasing one a day I don't believe I would be so lucky as to have the pleasure of blogging daily. once this morning routine is completed in the john my day consists of DVR and enjoying my last few months of not wearing a tie
Thursday, January 14, 2010
No Hall - Brian
Mark McGwire should never be put on the ballot for the Baseball Hall of Fame.
He cheated. He lied. He tarnished baseball for millions.
You may sit and argue whether or not steroids should be allowed in baseball and blah blah blah. That's not what this is about. All I care about is the rule that McGwire broke gave him an edge over everyone else. You may challenge that the rule should be changed, but rules are rules. And if you break that one, you are making yourself better than everyone else in an unfair way. And those type of cheaters don't deserve to be honored among the greatest players ever in their respective sports.
This article starts with "Forget steroids. JP just wants to know if McGwire's stats merit inclusion." Forget steroids? What? Steroids affected his stats and made him better than he would have been without them. How can we just forget them? Without steroids, would McGwire have the stats worthy of Hall of Fame inclusion? Nobody truely knows, but that doubt should tell us all we need to know: Keep him out.
Water - Adam
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Let's Get Something Straight - Brian
Peyton Manning - 4,500 yards passing, 33TD/16 INT's, 68.8% comp.
Chris Johnson - 2,006 yards rushing, 14 TD, 503 receiving yards, 2 TD
You could make an incredible argument for either one of these players based on these stats, but you would be missing one key component - the Colts went 14-2 and the Titans went 8-8. And even those are slightly deceiving. The Colts were 14-0 when Manning played the whole game, 0-2 when he only played half the game (the last two games of the season). You could actually make the argument that Vince Young had more of an impact on the Titans than did Johnson. The Titans were 0-6 when Vince Young sat the bench (and with Johnson still putting up Pro-Bowl type numbers), and 8-2 when Young started.
Why does that matter? Because the MVP is not only about the player who puts up the best stats, but also about who is more important to their team. And it is an easier argument to make that Peyton is more important to the Colts than Johnson is to the Titans. If the Colts lost Manning they drop to probably 6-10 (that's an 8 game swing). If the Titans lose Johnson they probably drop to 5-11 (only a 3 game swing).
It would seem that with the stats being so close that both could argue for that component of the MVP, the importance to their respective teams would be the tie breaker. And Manning easily wins that one in my eyes.
It doesn't hurt that Peyton is the greatest quarterback in the history of the game. But that argument is for another day...
Twings - Adam
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
KD for MVP - Brian
There, I said it.
If the NBA started over today and each team had to reconstruct their roster through a fantasy style draft with every current NBA player available, my first pick as GM would be Kevin Durant. Without question. Lets look at some state lines of arguably the three best players in the NBA, and Kevin Durant:
LeBron James - 29.4 ppg, 7.2 rpg, 7.8 apg, 50% FG
Kobe Bryant - 29.6 ppg, 5.6 rpg, 4.6 apg, 46% FG
Dwayne Wade - 26.6 ppg, 5.0 rpg, 6.1 apg, 44% FG
Kevin Durant - 28.8 ppg, 6.9 rpg, 3.0 apg, 48 % FG
Those four stat lines look pretty similar to each other and no one really excels at a stat more than some one else. Before we make any conclusions though, lets look at one more stat:
LeBron James - 25 years old, 7th season
Kobe Bryant - 31 years old, 14th season
Dwayne Wade - 27 years old, 7th season
Kevin Durant - 21 years old, 3rd season
Those last set of stats is why I think Kevin Durant is the best player in the NBA. He is putting up basically the same stats as the other three but is A.) much younger than they are (4-5 years is a lot in sports) and B.) has less than half of the number of seasons played as they do (and wayyy less than Kobe). The point I am trying to make is that Durant is playing at the same level as The Big Three, but he is doing it much earlier in his career.
When you watch LBJ and Wade play, you get the feeling that they are maximizing their potential and playing as best as they can (which happens to be really, really good). The same applies for Kobe (although you get the feeling Kobe won't be Kobe in a few years). When I watch Durant, he is very inconsistent in his play from night to night, and you can tell he still has untapped potential. That's what makes him the best. Imagine when he plays as consistent as the other guys do, and figures out how to maximize his potential. Unstoppable.
That's just one man's opinion, but maybe someday KD will challenge Jordan for basketball supremacy.....just kidding, MJ. Your legendary status will always be preserved as the greatest basketball player ever (and that's not an opinion, that's fact).
Arms - Adam
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Judging a Book by it's Cover - Brian
Team A:
Finished the season undeafeated and won their BCS bowl.
Will be losing 11 starters, including three who are possible first round draft picks.
Team B:
Finished the season undeafeated and won their BCS bowl.
Bringing back 21 of 22 starters, including the most efficient quarterback in the NCAA last year.
Team C:
Finished the season 11-2 and won their BCS bowl.
Losing seven starters, including four all conference players.
Now which team appears to be the strongest case for being pre-season number one? Most people would say Team B, right? Well that team is Boise State. Team A is Alabama and Team C is Ohio State. Now all of a sudden you might be changing your mind. Boise State better than Alabama and Ohio State? No way you think to yourself. But if I had told you Team B was USC or Florida or any other power program, that team would be number one without hesitation or question. But facts remain facts, and Boise State has the clear edge on being number one, but they won't be. More than likely OSU and Bama will be ranked ahead of them in the pre-season. I just want to thank the AP Poll in advance for judging a book by its cover, or in this case judging a team by it's jersey.
On a side note, thank you Pete Carroll for leaving USC for the NFL. The Big Ten now has one less team to embarass them in the Rose Bowl (and apparently during the regular season *cough*OSU*cough*).
Snow - Adam
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought that they were just being rewarded
Now we can swim any day in November
if you disagree with me please feel free to comment
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Blogs, Tiger Woods, and You - Brian
The first issue I want to tackle (just to get it out of the way) is Tiger Woods. Now I know I’m a little late on the issue, but it’s still being talked about and I want to get my opinion out there before it gets too old. First thought about this whole issue? Who cares. I really don’t care about the personal lives of super star athletes. That’s not why I’m watching them. I watch them because they are ATHLETES; therefore I care about their sports careers. If you are interested in gossip, immerse yourself in TMZ (by the way, the new site TMZ Sports threatens to erode the fact that sports are sports; more on this when the site is officially launched). So when evaluating Tiger Woods, all I care about is his number of wins (56 wins this decade; more than all but three golfer’s career wins) and not the number of women he had affairs with. So while it’s a big deal now, down the road nobody will really care. When Kobe is lighting up opponents and winning championships, how many people are thinking about the rape issue? None. This is how it will be for Tiger in a few years, which is how it should be right now. He shouldn’t have to wait; but he will. One of the few major athletes who is still haunted by something like this is Pete Rose. He will probably never get into the Hall of Fame because of his betting habits, but facts are facts: nobody has more career hits in baseball, nobody. Out of the top 19 leaders in career hits, Rose is the only one not in the hall of fame (hell, even the guy ranked 966th is in the Hall). So he might not deserve to be in the Good Decisions Hall of Fame, but he deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. So America, I ask you to let sports be sports and let the CW handle the rest.
Produmptivity - Adam
so as I mentioned earlier Second Cousin Brian Carr is visiting me now and we decided to collaborate in this blogging revolution so every time either of us have a shituation we will blog while dropping the deuce. so first week of school is done and over and aside from Professors that do not speak english well, the other thing that drives me insane is when a prof asks non rhetorical questions to a class of 50+ everyone in the lecture hall knows the answer so everyone assumes someone else will answer and instead no one steps up and the prof ends up standing and waiting for an answer if you want class participation then have a recitation when I walk into a lecture hall I expect to get spoon fed my knowledge copy your slides onto my notes with little to no thinking then leave like a mindless zombie, because that's what I strive for in my collegiate career
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Frost King?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Second Cousin Brian Carr to Visit
Sunday, January 3, 2010
First Day of School
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Resolution
Two Cents
This is the part of the web site were I tell people where I stand on issues and talk about the past week
10/10/03-Today we had a day off of school and I just sat around the house...I have 52 more days untill I get my licenses. I had better pass the test two because my Mother has made me drive and to the "cones" every monday I am almost sure that I have done those damn cones more times then my whole class combined I can do it without hitting the breaks! I hung out at Bryan's alittle bit today played some halo and kicked a mountain dew can around in his drive way then left that'll do it for this week.
10/17/03-First of all I would just like to say that when someone is completely naked they are buck-naked not but naked! ok so I have been thinking about stuff...what is up with all the goths in our school the whole class of 2007 are practially all gothic and lets not forget the little goth corner of my grade, Spradlin,Villarreal,and that Mitch kid where did he come from? more importantly who does he think he is stabbing himself with safety pins while chanting look at me I'm punk! that'll do it for this week.
10/24/03-This week I would just like to say that the Wauseon School Lunch's prices are outrageous!$1.75 each day!they bumped everything up a dime! and since the price sky rocketed I decided to fill the holes in my tray up to the max to make up for the money they are robbing me of and they found that I was scooping alot of fruit now they limit us to just one scoop!thats when I put my foot down!THIS IS INSANE!that'll do it for this week.
10/31/03- Well its Halloween so I don't really feel like saying anything but I will say this if someone is really truly punk and all that....why would they use safety pins wouldn't they just use pins because they are so punk they want to be unsafe? that'll do it for this week.
11/07/03-Alright so I was watching TV the other night and I saw a commercial for some movie coming out on DVD and not VHS...what the hell is that? who gives them the right to kick VHS out of the picture completely? I'll have them know that I still use my VCR and I love the thing...we fear change.
11/14/03- I would just like to get a few things out in the open about the ladies. first of all I hate it when chicks smoke there is nothing worse than a woman who smokes, second I'm not a big fan of girls that cuss or when I belch and they say "Is that it? I can burp way louder!"Third I CAN NOT STAND it when girls tell me they have to pee I hate that its up there with smoking! I don't like piercings unless on the ears and I may...may let the belly ring slid...I'm not big on tattoos also and thats about it I think there is probably more but thats all I can think of.
11/21/03- okay so I have MSN IM as you are all aware and I have noticed something, and I would just like to say: what the hell is up with leave basically says to me hey look at me I'm too lazy to sign off look if your leaving the house then you are offline just sign off don't put leave one if I wanted to "leave one" I would e-mail you geesh I don't understand these cool kids like (at work)...leave don't leave no just sign out...dose anyone even leave one to these people I wouldn't know I have never "left one" I just don't understand.
11/28/03-Alright once again I must set the record straight. if your dare someone to do something the person being dared should not ask or expect any money in the deal. if there is money involed then it is a bet not a dare.
12/06/03-I passed.
12/12/03-Alright with the new millennium already four years old I think I should bring up the pronunciation of the years to come...twenty-O-three is the current year not 2003; in the 90's we didn't call it 1,993 we called it Nineteen-Ninety-Three so stop with the 2000 crap... and start using two dollar bills again I'm trying to bring them back so just go to your bank and when you get money back ask for it in twos together we can bring them back!
12/26/03-ok today I clear up the dropped food rules...if a piece of food falls on the ground/floor you have five seconds to pick it up and have it still be good, how ever if it was in your mouth and fell out then you have but three seconds to pick it up...ofcourse these rules only apply to guys chicks should not eat stuff that fell on the floor thats just gross
01/02/04-Got a little flaw in Wauseon I would like to bring to everyone's attention the drive-in movie theater...why is it closed down...I was told it would close because the field of dream's lights at night would ruin the movie...well where the hell are these "Lights" sounds to me like the drive-in could have been running all thses years and now that I'm 16 with a big kid permit I could go to the drive-in and have myself a nice makeout spot but no instead this so called field of dreams (which is still a dream, and has ruined my dreams) must be build for kids to play baseball instead, fair...I think not, now that I got that out of the way just remember:
Bucky Beltasaurus says "Buckle Up Fulton County"
01/09/04-Capital Letters...where are they? All I see these days are lowercase what happened I was watching an MTV show and at the end of it even the credits were lowercase I'm thinking give those proper nouns the respect they deserve! are people getting too lazy to even hit the shift key? I tell you if we let our proper nouns stay lowercase...then the terrorists have won
01/16/04/A.D.-so whats up with people these days not putting AD after the date...ok I'll admit I'm one of them but not any more...a little info for you A.D. stands for Anno Domini which is latin for "In The Year of the Lord" ...which makes you think...what year is it for Jewish people? and shouldn't the new year begin on christmas? why do we wait six days before the new year? you know the year doesn't even end when the ball drops we still have six hours after it we just take those six and toss 'em together ever four years to make a 24 hour day...some know it as leap day Feduary 29th I believe this year is a leap year...yeah the 29th is a sunday.
01/23/04/A.D.-alright I've heard about enough of this little myth and Adam has got to set it straight once and for all ok everybody listen up in Mountain Dew the last ingredient is yellow five let me tell you one thing...the only thing yellow 5 does is make mountain dew look yellow and thats it! It does not lower your sperm count now all you scared kids can drink Dew again so relax.
02/06/04/A.D.-sorry for the whole "didn't do one last week" thing but I'm back...glove compartments...does anyone actually put gloves in these compartments in mine I got a flashlight,napkins,regestration to the car mumbojumbo. but no gloves...I've even seen a pellet gun in a glove compartment but never gloves.
02/13/04/A.D.-do you remember back in the 90's when you could walk into a fast food place and order a small drink, fries, and so on...well where has the small size Micky D's they completely killed the small and bumped medium to the bottom so its medium, large and super size...hmmm and we wonder why America is getting so fat cuz everyone's cutting out the size small I blame the dollar menu but man I'm not going to lie to you I love that menu...but sometimes I'm not too hungry and could just go for a small fry but whenever I say small fry they give me a medium...Today is Friday the 13th...
02/20/04/A.D.-Last tuesday my blue and black nail that I smashed finally fell off I smashed it on friday novermber 28th and it stayed like that for 82 days where it finally came off, I was scratching my face and I felt it lift off so I just bent it back and it came off real easy.
02/27/04/A.D.-Earlyer this week my Mother bought me some of those 8oz(237ml) Mountain Dews or as I like to call them "shot glasses" because wal-mart was sold out of the 30 packs which they get in every friday...I always get there late luckly today I don't have school so I'm going to go early and see if there is still some left. any way these little Dews suck...don't get me wrong I like the idea of down sizing something for once instead of more unhealthy pop...but this is just not enough pop like tuesday I was driving and drinking one of them and I ran out and I started thinking man I could have four more ouces left in here...
03/09/04/A.D.-So I was on lunch break saturday and I headed to McDonalds (I like Taco Bell better) so I go in order a double cheese burger, value frie, and two apple pies...and wouldn't you know it they are out of apple pies...everytime I go to Micky D's they never have apple pies and I have to wait 12 min."Do you want a cherry pie?" NO I DON'T WANT CHERRY if I wanted cherry I would have asked for cherry wouldn't I? well I'm sick of it...can we please have some apple pies always ready? is that too much to ask?
03/12/04/A.D.-ok so I've seen alot of this around my whole life and its time to fix it all the tall scary green guy that has the bults in his neck is not known as Frankenstein ok its Frankenstein's Monster.Victor Frankenstien was the scientist that created the really doesn't have a I thought I could just patch that up all though Feed My Frankenstein is a good song it is incorrect I'm sorry Alice
03/19/04/A.D.-So we took the OGT this ever feel sorry for pringles...I mean Lays just kinda stole there idea completely I mean now lays has "stax" and normal Pringles only has ...pringles...I think I even saw chocolate pringles from Hersheys they are called "swoops" I mean come on Pringles is the inventor so lay off of them Lays and Hersheys
04/09/04/A.D.-Sorry I havn't done one for a real long time but nothings really happened but I did win Vice President of my class which rocks thats really all that I can think of...ROCK!
04/27/04/A.D.-I've been slacking latly this year I think I have writers block...the only thing that is happening to me at this moment in life is Dew U...and I mean theres really nothing to say about that exacept if you have any points e-mail them or IM them to me...thats really it...
04/30/04/A.D.-OH man I can not wait for Spider-man 2 to come out June 30th oh dude that looks sweet oh by the way I got my mini fridge comming in the mail only 16 short weeks and BOOM it'll be here!
05/08/04/A.D.-So I just saw Van Helsing last night with Tim and Landon(the first monster Van Helsing fights in the moive is Mr. Hyde aka Dr. Henry Jekyll) anyway...I just want to say that the people in the theaters are very fickle...I mean so the guy hits his head on something...why are you Tim, Landon and I were kinda mocking the crowd we were with, so when people laughed I would laugh longer and louder and Tim would clap...this one person we heard laughed like Woody the Woodpecker that had to have been the high light of the night so then when Abraham Van Helsing goes to kiss Anna Valerious Tim's like lets clapps so we started clapping and the crowd goes with it and starts to clap it was funny...
05/20/04/A.D.-You may be wondering why I have not updated latly well last thursday 05/13/04/A.D. I was going home from Whitney's house and it was around 10:50 so I needed to make up time because I had to be home at 11:00 (its a 20 min drive) so I did exactly what Mr. Fritz told us NOT to do, and I used my car as a time machine and picked up the speed to make up for the lost time...well unlike McFly instead of 88mph I went 90mph and well I was on C inbetween 17 and 18 when I noticed some red and blue lights in my rear veiw mirror...well my first thoughts were oh &*^% I'm dead...then I thought maybe its not me he's after...well 06/30/04/A.D. @ 9:00 A.M. I will be going to court to see Judge my mother isn't to happy with me and I just got the computer back a week later...I think I'm looking at 3-6 months with out driving...OUCH!
05/21/04/A.D.-ok so I got my mini-fridge yesterday I just forgot to tell I hear a Dukes Of Hazzard movie could be in the making...sounds pretty cool huh...thats what I thought till I found out that Paul Walker "Justin Hogerfe" and Ashton Kutcher "Punk'd" are going to be playing Bo and there goes that movie...(I hate Punk'd its up there is Viva La Bam as most hated show why dosen't MTV just stick to music seeing as how its music televison)
05/22/04/A.D.-well I got nothing to do anymore so I figured I'd say something, so I heard the new version of the Love song by Finger sounds just like The Cure if your going to make a cover your supose to change it alittle and put your own artistic veiw on the song, I think Anberlin made the best version.
06/04/04/A.D.-So now that I'm working full time in the summer...I listen to the radio more because thats all we got and I was wondering why is country so seperate from the other types of if I listen to mix 98.1 I'd hear rock, techno, rap, all that stuff but no country...and on MTV they don't play country and CMT is even an all country music channel...why not combind and save a channel for like...a movie channel or something...non-stop James Bond or something...
06/11/04/A.D.-So this past week America has been mourning one of our most beloved people...yes we will all miss Ray Charles. so any way we got these new channels on our cable awhile ago and I've been watching that food channel with that one cook Emeril Lagasse and the guy comes out at the begining of the show shaking everyones hands and touching everything...then he walks right to the stove and starts cooking! I the only one that finds this kinda gross?!
06/28/04/A.D.-so I was on vacation all last week and as I was on vacation I learned something...pepsi, look close at that picture...notice anything? did you see any Dr. Pepper in that picture?...I know I didn' if pepsi doesn't own Dr. Pepper and Coke has Mr. Pibb then just who does the Doctor roll with? maybe this will help...thats right apparently the Doctor has been hanging with 7up I think that Pepper should, without a second thought, hop on the pepsi train it just makes more sence everytime you see a pepsi machince its gotta have the Doc! I mean come one 7up?!...what do they got? Canada Dry? I mean who wants anything from Canada...Canada sucks...dude if you ask me I'd say the Doctor is hanging with the wrong crowd I can't be alone on this issue...someone has got to agree with me that the Doc needs to hook up with Pepsi and the Dew...what a perfect team...Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew.
07/02/04/A.D.-So I went to court on the 30th of June at 9am...and we get there and we go into the court room which was really like a real court room just smaller and this lady did the "all rise for the honorable Judge" was kinda weird because there was only about 9 people in the room so I was the first case so My mom is sitting next to me and my dad is behind us (we are sitting in the tables like in a real court...yes both my parents were there) and Bumb just did all the legal talk and stuff and then told me to slow it down and I had to pay $100 and sixty of it was for court now all I gotta do is get my driving back from my parents and I'm a free man again...
07/09/04/A.D.-alright so on lunch break like on monday...I go to taco bell and I go to order the usual number 10 and I only see 1-8 and my heart drops...but then I see that number ten is now the number two...which I guess is ok but I mean I feel sorry for all the number two lovers because they got kicked off the menu...
07/16/04/A.D.- well I got to hand it to the City of Wauseon (the city you'll take to heart)...they built a new skate park...and are trying to build a wal-mart super center, the field of dreams might be picking up alittle bit after about ten years...and (this ones my favorite) the new movie theater...I hear is supose to be done in the fall...but its not looking like it...the good thing about the new theater is its all year 'round unlike the drive-in and its going to be right next to wal-mart so we can buy candy and pop at wal-mart then sneek it in to the theater and save alot of money...but by the time that place is up and running I'll probably be in college.
08/03/04/A.D.- Alright so I've been sick latly I had some throat problem then it moved to the mouth and it just really sucks so all I was eating really was yogurt and I started eating Trix yogurt because I love the stuff...and appearently that dirtothing...somebody tond hid the kids trix and bumped his head so he can't tell them where he hid the trix so it was up to me to solve the jungle I did...if you ever wonder what KANNUFRUTESSTONEAAHAPPEYLEEF means...all you gotta do is cross out every striped letter which leaves KNURTSTNAHPELE...which then I just read it backwards...and this is what I got
08/13/04-alright has anyone seen these new Wendy's commercials with this unofficial spokesperson...I mean hes in so many of these commercials and hes always talking about Wendy's...I mean in my book that kinda seems like hes "official" I mean if hes not the spokesperson...then who is? its friday the 13th
09/24/04-you ever get change back from the cashier and they put the bills in your hand first then the coins...I mean isn't that a hasle to put away...if they bills were on top it would be easy to slide the money in the wallet then have your hand full of coins right into the pocket instead you gotta set the wallet down put the coins away then the bills...
10/01/04-So wednesday after school I leave my pants with my wallet in the locker room on a bench I get back Anthony Halt is leaving right when I enter and I ask him "hey you steal anything?" he says "no" so I get dressed and leave go to work go to church then after church Downing, Stuck (who is single), Kyle and I hit up the bell I place my order look in my wallet...nothing...somebody took all my money when I left my pants in the locker room ...I am pissed, and I filled out this paper in the office so it could have been Anthony or Bubba....those two I saw just standing around...but anybody could have came in I was gone for 30minutes...but Anothony...if you lied to me and stole then went to church that same wednesday night...not only will Il be pissed but so will God...(not saying that you did it or anything
10/10/04-One Year
10/15/04-I finally got my computer back from the guy up town I had 363 spyware ande 486 adware that they found I told them not to wipe the thing out because they wanted too but I have too many great songs on here. so in short watch out for spyware and adware stuff because you'll have to clear your whole hard drive.
10/29/04-so I just got my computer back from the guy up town he wiped it out for me so its like a brand new computer now. why do people call fountains water fountains...I mean what eles are they going to have in them lava? I mean come on when you hear the word fountain I mean you don't really have to call it a "water" saves you two syllables and oxygen and with all the rain forest being destroyed we need that oxygen.
11/20/04-I would just like to know if anyone eles agrees with me on this...ok I have this friend lets call him...Pepito and I think he looks just like Lance Bass let me show you, here now do you see what I'm saying? I know I'm not the only one that thinks this
12/05/04- so me and Pepito are driving home from Taco Bell on August 12th 2004 and right in the middle of the road there is this constrution cone and he swerves and misses it and I say dude we should go back and nab that thing so we turn a round and the cone isn't in the road anymore its in the grass by the cemetery so we drive into the cemetery and I walk over to grab it and this house near the place has a garage full of people watching me so I play it cool and yell back to Pepito as a car drives by "oh that wasn't her in that car" acting like that was the reason I was standing there I'm not going to grab this cone I mean I already have a criminal record for speeding so Pepito says hes going after it and I could pass up a photo op like this so here is Pepito in all his grace grabbing the cone and running.
02/23/05- this happened awhile ago but I just got around to talking about it, on August 18th 2004 someone thought it would be a good idea to toliet paper the Schuch home, here is what happened...yes that is a whole roll laying on the grass, yes we did take it inside and use it, yes there are no trees higher than 10 foot in my yard, it looked like they just kinda gave up after awhile I felt sorry for them.
03/06/05- I got egged on the fourth
05/07/05- so today's prom but anyway back on 10/17/03 I said that the class of 2007 had a bunch of goths right...well I know see that the class of 2008 has topped them the 2008 class or the "Black Hole" is just over run with goths its crazy I mean I'm kinda scared to see next years freshmen because then freshmen thur junior will just be all satanic and gothic ANARCHY EVERYWHERE! it'll be just off the wall
06/19/05- so got my wisdom teeth out on the 17th it wasn't too bad one minute your awake next thing you know you're at home and your mouth hurts looking forward to eating solid foods again.
07/05/05- best can only have one thats what the word best means "excelling all others" thats word for word in the dictionary ...don't belive me go to the Schuch home page and on the left side click on the dictionary you can have better friends but you can only have one BEST friend no more no less there has to be one friend that you prefer over all others even if its just that you like their hair color more.