Sunday, August 29, 2010
Adam Schuch B.A. - Adam
I spent my last night in the woman cottage on Thursday night.
I moved into my new place in Powell.
Finally today I graduated from THE Ohio State University.
As part of the 393rd Commencement and one of the 1,757 people receiving a degree or certificate, I now join the ranks of 637,069 degrees earned from Ohio State since 1878.
which means as I have mentioned earlier I will know legally be able to consider myself
Adam Schuch B.A.
but most importantly I renewed my XboX live account from 2008. I know what most of you are thinking, "oh shit now I can't play halo because Adam will dominate and talk trash to me the entire time" and for those of you who think that, you are correct.
my XboX live account name is PwninNewbz23 so add me on there and we'll spend some time on Halo
and if you are one of those people who thinks COD is "cooler" than Halo, you need to take a step back from life and realize that either way you are playing a video game and yelling in to a head set that there is a sniper hiding on top of (insert location).
I'm not about to be bullied or made fun of because instead of playing COD I'm playing Halo. face it dudes you're still playing a video game at the end of the day.
High School (check)
College (check)
Job (check)
Marriage ( )
House ( )
Children ( )
Retire ( )
Die ( )
I'm on my way to completing the check list of generic American life.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Down w/ the Sickness - Adam
I'm also fighting some nasty athlete's foot right now which also will only go away if treated with some sort of ointment.
Both of these scenarios got me thinking. What did people do back in the day before antibiotics?
I'm assuming people just HAD pink eye for the rest of their lives.
If pink eye is as contagious as everyone would have you and I believe then wouldn't it make sense that everyone back in the eye had incurable pink eye?
The same goes with athlete's foot. I'm told its contagious, if this is true then everyone back in the day would be walking around gooping out of their eyes and feet until they die...
I don't think that this was the case though, this begs the question what did they do bout it?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dr. Beer? - Adam
Since I'm moving out on Friday I don't want to go shopping for food and just transport it to the new place so I've been living off of chips and scraps of whatever I have left until Friday. So I wanted an actual meal.
We get seated and settled in, the waitress asked me what I want to drink I ask if they have Dr. Pepper and she replies "we have rootbeer?"
Rootbeer? this isn't the first time this has happened to Adam in his life but rootbeer? Have you ever tasted rootbeer and Dr. Pepper? how are they even in the same ball field? ok they are both carbonated and dark and not cola...that's it.
"Do you have Steak?"
"how about Pancake?"
Rootbeer is to Dr. Pepper
Pancake is to Steak
for those of you that are wondering I settled for a cherry coke because that is at least somewhat near the same taste
1. Amaretto
2. Almond
3. Blackberry
4. Black Licorice
5. Carrot
6. Clove
7. Cherry
8. Caramel
9. Cola
10. Ginger
11. Juniper
12. Lemon
13. Molasses
14. Nutmeg
15. Orange
16. Prune
17. Plum
18. Pepper
19. Root Beer
20. Rum
21. Raspberry
22. Tomato
23. Vanilla
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Lbs - Adam
My facebook chat with Travis:
I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when we get there but right now I need an idea for a blog because this one is hitting hard!
why wash your hands after you touch your dick? You should wash before, to get the germs off your hands before you touch your dick. Boom. Blog.
Despite the genius recommendation I think I'll pass and settle for a simple story that happened to me this past week:
as some of you may know I was offered a full time position at my current place of employment. This is good news for any college student, to have a job right out of the gate (with benefits to boot). So Monday was my first official day. But Wednesday I woke up with my left eye crusted shut of course to me this is no big deal so I shower and head to work. One of my coworkers looks at me eye and says "pink eye" so I consult others and they all seem to agree so I have to leave work for 2 hours and go to urgent care drop $75 bones and get some eye drops. This isn't the part I'd like to focus on...
I stepped on the scale and noticed I've lost around 6 lbs!? now for those of you who don't know I'd already consider myself severely under my desired weight so 6 pounds is alot to me since a treasure each one I gain. and I start thinking back to January. I need to hit the gym more how can I just lose 6 pounds? could it be my diet consists of only kroger 3 minute pizzas, kroger spaghetti rings, flavor blasted gold fish, and kroger popcorn? I don't know but I need some tips on how to bulk up. I'm not picky muscle or fat either way works
...damn 6 pounds I was embarrassed for the nurse to see my weight I almost told her to round that up for me.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Movie Review I - Adam
this summer I witnessed a movie that was so thought provoking and action packed that I had a hard time pulling my eyes away.
I feel like the movie is somewhat underrated as I have seen the reviews and read the reactions I find it hard to believe people have not been giving it a better rating.
when you have a writer/director with such a good track record as this and academy nomination it seems almost elementary that a movie of this proportion is created and, to say the least, I wasn't disappointed.
from start to finish the mystery and plot pulls you in. you fall in love with the characters and are heart broken when one happens to lose his way as the madness of the job takes its toll.
although they seemingly do their line of work for the money the skill and attention to detail that they portray in every job they accept is incredible. but when they accept this one task the movie is centered around they quickly find out that they might have bitten off more than they can chew. The stakes are higher than ever and failure isn't an option. I'm not going to give away the ending or any details to this movie because if you are anything like me when it comes to movies the less you know going into it the more fun the movie.
I'm talking of course about the summers best movie and possibly the movie that will set the bar and tone for the coming new decade.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Jumpman - Adam
1996: Air Jordan Jumpman Pro Jr

2009: Air Jordan Jumpman Hoops (As Seen In Sole Survivor)

2010: Air Jordan Jumpman Pro

2011: Air Jordan 2010?

Obviously my 2011's are not set in stone yet, but I've had my eye on these bad boys since MJ and D Wade unveiled them last November. I'm open to suggestions...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ironic Irony - Adam
i·ro·ny /ˈaɪ
ni, ˈaɪ
Show Spelled[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
Don't you think it is ironic when people think something is ironic when it really isn't?
Irony is one of those circumstances that seem to be every misused and confused in society. so much so that I tend to avoid the term at all costs.
It gets confusing trying to figure out if the situation you are in is really ironic. People today seem to think the term just means "a strange situation"
this isn't the case,
indirect presentation of a contradiction between an action or expression and the context in which it occurs.
basically Irony, Sarcasm, and Satire are all in the same ball park.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Conflict of Interest - Adam
you know like you get home from work on a Wednesday around dinner time so you grab some kroger brand spaghetti rings pour them out into your one bowl you own just then you realize that you are out of milk because you finished the gallon last night.
and you know that you always drink whole milk while eating spaghetti rings with flavor blasted goldfish but just before you head out the door to walk to the kroghetto you encounter what I like to call a "conflict on interests" this is the point where you want to go outside and grab a gallon of milk but you also feel a sudden and very demanding urge to do paper work. this conflict of interest is a cross road that once you get to it you realize your hatred of unfinished business enters your mind and you think I'll just grab the milk quick and be back but at the same time a battle is raging inside of you because the saying "better to be safe than sorry" also enters your mind
conflicts of interest are never good but I like to live by the "better to be safe than sorry" motto that and "if it sounds to good to be true, it is" are the two mottos that have gotten me to where I am today and I'll be damned if I toss them to the wind and leave for milk playing a dangerous "all or nothing" game with my body
well looks like "good things come to those who wait" because now that I am finishing this paper work I can enjoy a nice evening walk to Kroger for milk and settle down to watch the episode of PTI I have DVR'ed waiting for me and those tasty spaghetti rings
life is good
Monday, August 9, 2010
Back in Business - Brian
On a side note, football has officially started as the Bengals and Cowboys played in the Hall of Fame game last night. I could not be more excited about it. Four weeks until college football starts and five weeks until the NFL.
Speaking of the Hall of Fame, amazing class was inducted this year. Emmitt Smith - top 5 running back of all time, Jerry Rice - best receiver of all time, and Dick LeBeau - one of the best and brightest defensive coordinators the game has ever seen. Can't get much better than that, can it?
Fantasy football also starts soon which is very exciting to me and my friends - don't tell them, but Chris Johnson won't be nearly as good as he was last year. He won't even be the best RB this year. So before you decide he is #1 on your fantasy board, think about these three first - Michael Turner, AP, and Frank Gore.
Nurture Nature - Adam
You ever notice how if we are exposed to films or stories where things are personified our amount of empathy for that particular thing goes through the roof?
I have numerous examples and could right many novels about them but I'll hit you with a few and let you ponder this yourself
Toy story: not only is this movie based on inanimate objects that have never been alive nor will they ever bee alive BUT the toys in the movie never even existed prior to the film (except for etch and sketch Mr potato head and maybe a few others) but because of the movie people start caring WAY too much for toys (you are telling me you would rather these chunks of plastic be thrown in an attic forever rather than let less fortunate kids find entertainment from them?
sorry if I sight Disney movies for all of these scenarios they seem to be the king of this kind of thing
Cockroaches, everyone hates them but put the thing next to a robot (another object that is man made and consists of only metal and computer parts) boom Wall-E and the disease ridden pest roach companion can steal the hearts of many when it is 100% a fantasy world of the future
last one I'll give you is trees, they are essential to humans for houses, paper, food, and they can't speak or feel pain or do anything but grow and die but make them talk and sing in Lord of the Rings or I can't even think of another example but give them human traits suddenly it is cruel to chop them down.
People become brainwashed from movies that give nonhuman things human characteristics, next time you care about something that isn't human think about why you are doing it and I guarantee its one of 2 reasons:
- The creature is really cute and you giggle at sight
- you saw a movie where the creature was personified thus creating some illusion that has clouded your judgement.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Permanent Posting - Adam
I was thinking as I often do while on my thinking chair
the internet documents everything you do. think about that for a second, your great great great great grandchildren will see your party pics on faceSchuch. doesn't that blow your mind?
I'm not saying it is a bad thing but it is something to consider when doing anything online. this post I am writing right now could be read by every every one of my children, grandchildren and so on
by then they will be very well educated and have spellcheck chips in their brains (but that's for anther post) that will tell them what a terrible writer I was when I was 22 and using my primitive lap top while doing paper work.
so I starting wondering about how big my internet footprint is as of right now so I did some thinking and some gathering of information and I (think I) found all of the accounts I have created on the internet ever and here they are
now this got me thinking: I bet someone will come along and make a website called something along the lines of "master key" or something and it will be a site where you create an account and you add all your internet accounts to that site and it gives you one simple name and password
because over the years I have forgotten I had some of these accounts and definitely forgotten their passwords.
I would join the site and dump all 15 of my accounts into it because lets face it I'm only 22 now the internet is only going to get more vital to our lives and I already have 15 accounts that I can recall floating around in cyberspace
and I know what you are thinking, yes feel free to add me as a friend on any of those sites that you'd like; however I can't guarantee I still use them.
also if you can think of an account I have on the internet I forgot feel free to comment, it would be nice to know everywhere I have signed up.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Hackers - Adam
what does it benefit those nerds that they can trick me into opening an e-mail and then destroying my computer?
whoa congrats you made my computer frustratingly slow... now what is stage 2 of the plan?
let me tell you something, there is no stage two... step one give a stranger a virus step two mission complete?
adware and spyware I semi understand, you want to trace my internet use to personalize ads on my screen based off the cookies I don't delete, ok but can't you do that without slowing my computer?
I'm convinced that computer repair geeks create viruses for job security. It makes sense, this isn't like nature were we can't control that there is disease and death, this is the internet we made it. can't we all just decide not to be dicks to each other and just let everyone's computers be virus free?
what a crazy dreamer I are
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Book Smarts - Adam
It is interesting how no matter how advanced we, the human race, becomes we always seem to still have books around.
now sure paper has gotten more advanced and we have hard cover, paperback, color, pictures and whatever else but in the end it is still a book.
Even with the kindle, ipad, and nook it still seems like books are going strong.
with books on tape, and books still seem to rein supreme.
why is that? what is it about holding that number of pages held together with some binding that is so attractive to humans? no matter how three dimensional our television video games and movies get or how personal blogs and youtube become, it seems like people will always write books, and even more incredible, people will read the actual hard copy of said books.
the newspapers are suffering and soon will be dead (hopefully) but yet books will survive
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YTD 5674.43