If this is the case then we are not very good.
What happened to the old days when men had commitment?
The new motto for men is:
When The Going Gets Tough... Quit
50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce
People change their career around 10 times throughout their life
students attending two-year community colleges have a 12 percent graduation rate.
four-year public state colleges have approximately a 33 percent graduation rate.
four-year, private colleges have approximately a 56 percent graduation rate.
12.9 million families in the U.S. were headed by a single-parent
80% of which were headed by a female.
So where are all the spines of men?
When did it become acceptable for men to dip out on commitments?
How many times have you told someone you were going to be somewhere or do something and then “forgot” to do it and that be perfectly alright with you? It shouldn't be it really should bother you. The the path of least resistance is the most popular but rarely, if ever, is it the way to do anything.
63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes --14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes – 10 times the average. (Rainbows for All God’s Children)
70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988)
85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)
The world needs men not cowards, not selfish spinless jellyfish MEN. I'm not talking about James Bond types I'm talking about Howard Langston. I'm talking about guys that own up to whatever they do. I'm talking about Men who make commitments and follow through. There doesn't seem to be any consequences or penalties for guys who run and cower. Shouldn't there be something in every man's heart, in every man's being, that says I need to keep my word? Stop running when stuff doesn't go your way stick it out, play with the cards your dealt, roll with the punches, and for once think about someone other than yourself.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Is that what a man looks like?
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need...
ReplyDelete@Robert: Okay, then don't have sex with women. But if you do, and you get her pregnant, don't let that be the time that you decide that she isn't the answer and then leave.
ReplyDeleteAdam's not saying that men MUST get with women and stay there; he's saying that if you make a commitment, then follow through.
If Adam's point is that if a man makes a commitment then he needs to follow through, then there is a gaping hole in his argument and his stats. Hook-ups and one night stands lead to pregnancy (and Adam's stat of fatherless children) but no commitment was ever made. In no way, shape, or form am I saying that any of this is the moral high ground, but I AM playing Devil's advocate because I like the role. I like looking at both sides of any issue/topic; some may call it ignorance.
ReplyDeleteLast time I checked, it takes ONE TIME, ONE sexual encounter to produce a child. Scenario: Out at a bar, male and female meet then go home, hook up, scramble some eggs in the morning, man goes home and neither call each other. Where's the commitment? But this one time can result in pregnancy and mother’s being forced to raise a child by themselves. Maybe they don’t even know if the bar guy is the father because they got with somebody different a week ago.
Unfortunately, women have the *burden of carrying the baby/fetus. *(I’m not saying carrying a child is a burden, but in this scenario it might be if not planned). A stat I would love to see but never will because it isn’t how human nature works, but do you think women would hook up and then bail after morning eggs? Obviously this is hypothetical, but it’s just food for thought. Would men be stranded by women, raising kids on their own and then women be the spineless ones? No way to know, just saying.
ReplyDeleteArticle to read (stating women are cheating just as much as men once married, but they hide it better. Keep in mind that this article was written by a woman, not a man) So are women just as spineless when it comes to marriage and commitment?:
In all honesty, I blame society. We are a “hit it and quit it” society; men and women alike. Men have always been more sex driven, but women are on the rise (http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/infidelitystats.html ). Women now have shows like Desperate Housewives and Sex and The City that portray that cheating and being scandalous is publicly acceptable. Just TV shows right? So you’re going to tell me that media has NO role in guiding personal behavior?
Men are “lucky” that they are not the ones that get pregnant, and my hat goes off to women that raise kids by themselves, no question there. But who is to blame? And is there a commitment made in hooking up?
ReplyDeleteOr work. Let’s say work gets in the way of a man or woman getting to their kids tee-ball game? Once again, our society. We work our lives away to earn the almighty dollar so that we can provide for our kids, but both men and women miss commitments based on work constantly. That is society. American are getting married and having kids later because work is getting in the way of family (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-11-09-delayed-marriage_N.htm). Both men and women miss commitments these days. Not one, and not the other. Both.
Sorry for breaking my argument up into 3 segments. My mouth is too big for this website to handle. Or i'm just really bored with my job and find this more interesting, either way.
I can not speak for Adam but my interpretation of the blog did not say that he feels woman are the innocent ones in society. I feel he was only talking about the faults of men. He never addressed one way or the other his feelings towards woman in society, nor did he put one sex superior to the other. He simply chose to talk about mens faults but I am sure there are many other statistics that point out woman's. The best we can do is not follow by Robert's example and live our lives owning up to our faults and doing what we can to fix them. Amen Adam
ReplyDeletewhen I said:
ReplyDelete"Stop running when stuff doesn't go your way stick it out, play with the cards your dealt, roll with the punches, and for once think about someone other than yourself.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
It includes "Hook-ups and one night stands that lead to pregnancy" I don't know why people don't seem to realize that sex=pregnancy... If you don't want pregnancy don't have sex. If you want sex then be prepared for pregnancy.
I agree, but your original attack/argument, "So where are all the spines of MEN? When did it become acceptable for MEN to dip out on commitments?" is what I'm referring to. There can be no commitment made by the man, or by either party for that, and women can be just as much to blame from that perspective. Stats can lie, or at least not tell the entire truth.