If I am blessed enough to live to that day is a pretty interesting day. Now I know what all of you in blog world are thinking “Adam I just checked interestingdays.com and they didn't have 04/19/15 on there so what's so interesting about it?” well blog world let me tell you:
April 19th, 2015 is the day I turn 10,000 days old.
Ten thousand days of sucking air in this sack of flesh! Now If I were to look at the 10,000 as a whole I'd say it's been pretty incredible I've gone from worthless baby (not even a person am I right Roe v. Wade fans?) to learning how to talk, walk, dress myself, drive a car, graduate both high school and college, and just recently I scheduled my own eye exam (for April 20th 2011)!
but I'm sure some of you when looking at your life from the 10,000 days perspective might think “ugh 10K days and I have done nothing!” mmmh you could probably make that argument if you were to compare yourself to any successful professional athlete ( I figured Cody would bring up Jamarbust Russell so I had to add the successful clause although some might say making 40 mill and not having to workout or do anything could be a successful career). Or if you compared your 10,000 to Brad Pitt's 10K. Look you can cut your 10K however you want to I'm just saying people who are 23 right now you've got about another 4 years before you hit 10K so if you want to make some changes feel free.
On September 4th, 2042 I will hit 20K now not only do I still have four years before I hit 10K but I have no idea if I will even make it to 20K or what I will have done. Here is when I could see people making the argument that you wasted 10 thousand days. In the first 10 you went from birth to career (American majority speaking) then in the second 10 you got into a groove of work 5 rest 2 so really the 10K is cut to 2,857 days. I know some will say “I got married, bought a house, and had children” which is great! I'm just saying be ready for sometime when you're 54 you'll hit the 20K mark.
Lastly is the 30K mark on January 20th 2070. This set of 10K is from 54 to 82...probably not doing much...retiring, watching grandchildren, waiting for death... I guess my point is that if someone was to live to 36,525 days they would have lived 100 years or if you live for 30K days you've lived a solid 80 something. So don't give me this junk about live being too short. Life isn't too short if you can go from not being a person to graduating college in 10k and the majority of Americans are given 2 more sets of 10K then it isn't anyone's fault that you “wasted” them when you look back and sign saying “ah life is just too short” Let this blog post smack you in the face and yell “no it isn't you just wasted it by getting into a groove or habitual life style!”

This isn't a "carpe diem" post this is a "I better not hear anyone say life is too short" post because it isn't you just wasted yours.
this kinda reminds me of the time that you told me that you base your life choices off of mine, by specifically choosing to do the exact opposite of what i do/did. that kind of hurt my heart.
ReplyDelete1) how does this remind of you that?
ReplyDelete2) I can 100% guarantee that that was a lie from me I can't say I've ever based any of my life choices off of the exact opposite of anyone.
3) Anony, I apologize for those hurtful words. send me a faceSchuch message if you want to talk more...I'm not sure if the comment section of this blog is the best place for this discussion.
1) I definitely read the first paragraph and skimmed the rest of the post.
ReplyDelete2) You used a lot of words.
3) Why do you keep commenting in list format?
1) it isn't that long the narrow width of the column makes it look bad
ReplyDelete2) false
3) organization is key!