9:00am to 5:00pm are you kidding me?! those are the exact same hours everyone works...what does this mean to us? it means that we can't get at our own money!
Solution: I believe banks should be open from 5:00pm to 1:00am.
Think about it shouldn't they adjust for us? Banks are closed for every holiday, they are only open till noon on Saturdays and not even open at all on Sundays... The weekend is the only time America isn't working 9 to 5 and that is the only time the banks are closed.
Let's face it banks are becoming more and more obsolete with online banking, direct deposit, 24/7 ATM and now ATMs are smart enough to take deposits and give you a picture of the check. But I like going to the bank I like talking to humans I don't want banks to go away. But they are shooting themselves in the foot just like the newspaper industry. If you don't wake up and try to make life easier for your clients then we'll find an easier way around you. This isn't Earth shattering change I'm talking about people. I'm merely asking that the banks work around our schedules instead of everyone having to work around theirs.
Speaking of terrible schedules don't EVEN get me started on Doctors, Dentists, and Optometrists. All of these service industry businesses should be open on the weekends its a must. Along with Auto Mechanics.
I'll be honest I'd gladly pay slightly more money and/or drive slightly further to go to a service place that's open on the weekends or evenings instead of having to take time out of my work day and inconvenience myself so that they get to leave at 2pm and only work 3 days a week.
I can't believe a 24/7 bank hasn't been put in wal-mart yet. Why is wal-mart pwning America? Convenience. I can drive there and pick up everything I want in one stop. Anytime any day. Not my fault. I'd like to support the mom and pop shops in the area but hate to break it to you mom and pop are usually in bed by 10pm and they like to have their weekends open to hang with the family. Nothing wrong with that. Can't blame them.

1. If all of your banking can be done online, why would someone go to the bank on Sunday? Wouldn't it be more fun to "talk to humans" you consider friends while you watch Sunday Night Football?
ReplyDelete2. Instead of inconveniencing yourself, are you advocating that doctors must come in on the weekend to tend to you? Doctors normally stay in the office until 4-5 pm (reference: my mother is a nurse). You typically clock out from MDK around 3:30-4pm every day which gives you plenty of time to get to the doctor before 5pm. After all, what's more important? Your health or your "work day"?
-Eternal Intern
Why not just hide all of your money under your mattress like I do?
ReplyDeleteI don't have any 'interest' in doing that...
ReplyDeleteAll the services that you referred to other than banking are at the top of the consumer need food chain if you will. Almost every person needs medical professionals, and auto mechanics. You need to conform to their hours if you want their services, otherwise don't drive or be sick. Now if you are trying to sell something people can do without, you had better make it easily obtainable.