Secondly, yes I am going to post about Casey, Caylee, Cindy and Carmelo Anthony.
Everyone hates Casey Anthony. I think it is a safe to assume if I were to poll the country the results wouldn't come back in her favor. But why? What's the big deal?
Casey was found not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child.
Why should she be found guilty?
For murdering her child?
But child murder is legal in the United State of America.
In fact the same day that Caylee Anthony died approximately 3,700 other children were killed by their mothers. That same year (2008) 1.21 million children were murdered by their mothers. So where is all the hatred and aggression toward these mothers? Where is all the press coverage and smear campaigns for these women? Why do people only care that Casey Anthony MIGHT have murdered her child when everyday women are blatantly ending the lives of their children for a FACT?
Caylee Anthony was almost three years old when her life ended. Would the media and public have been equally as outraged if Caylee was only two? What about if the same circumstances occurred but Caylee was only one...or not even? What if Caylee Anthony wasn't quite out of the womb yet and her mother decided to end her life?
My question is, if we get so angry and hateful toward Casey because her 3 year old was found dead why don't we feel equally toward mothers who don't even give their children a chance to get to 3?
If the idea of Casey Anthony walking freely around Ohio State's campus makes you sick to your stomach I want to know why you feel that way.
Justice? Is it because you demand justice? If that's the case then you are arguing for the wrong case. Caylee was .00027% of that day's child death toll in America. Justice was tossed out the window awhile ago.
Bottom line is all I'm asking is for some consistency. If you are going to hate moms that kill their children then don't pick and choose which lives you think are more important than others. If you are a murdering mom hater then hate all murdering moms. If you are going to support "choice" then don't pick and choose which moms should and shouldn't get to murder their children. If you are going to be a murdering mom supporter then support all murdering moms.

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