With the 4th of July coming up in 5 days I've started to notice how tightly knit some people have associated God with government confusing patriotic pledges with prayers. Some citizens have gotten the line so blurred that characteristics from one are spilling into the other. People start mixing religion and politics more and more until eventually they can't tell them apart.
If I asked you to rank the importance of your faith, and your country how would they stack up?
Allow me to make some statements:
Jesus isn't Caucasian
Jesus didn't speak English during His first visit
The Bible wasn't originally written in English
The national anthem isn't a prayer
God isn't obligated to bless America/ America isn't guaranteed God's blessing
I know to some of you this is pretty obvious but believe it or not there are Americans out there who have either never considered this or don't believe it. Let me clear some stuff up right now before people start to get angry at me. I am thankful for the freedom of this country. I am grateful that I don't have to fear a lot of the same things the rest of the world has to fear on a daily basis. But having said that I am a follower of Jesus first and foremost. I have a hard time with pledging my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America when I have already been bought by the blood of Christ.
Christianity isn't American and America isn't Christian. It is troubling to see missionaries go to other countries and try to turn them into Americans rather than followers of Christ. Jesus has been rejected by people because they were being sold American culture in a Christian wrapping. Don't think it's just over seas... it happens here everyday.
A sincere Christian + false beliefs = a derailed (or disillusioned) Christian
Let me ask you this simple question: How do you feel about illegal aliens? Let me rephrase that: How do you feel about God's Children (your brothers and sisters) sharing some of God's Earth with you? Depending on how mixed religion and politics are for you will determine how difficult the question is. We start to confuse our passion and loyalty to God for our passion and loyalty to a political party or a country. Jesus isn't republican, Jesus isn't Democrat, and Jesus isn't American. If America was founded on Christianity I think we would be communist or socialist. At least closer on the spectrum than capitalism.