22,000 children die every day from preventable causes. That's three times the population of Wauseon everyday.
Preventable deaths...
37.2% of American households own a dog.
Over 72 million dogs in American households.
$200 Veterinary expenditure per dog.
$14,422,800,000.00 per year goes to health care
...for dogs. I won't even go into any other pets you can do the math.
I'm not a fan of pets...
People think they own the animal when in all reality the animal owns you.
The “owner” gets up in the middle of the night to feed the “pet”
the owner takes the pet out for a walk whenever the pet wants
the owner buys food for it, buys worthless toys for it. Ect.
Meanwhile this creature never repays you and never thanks you
as far as that tiny little brain in it's head is concerned it is the owner and you obey it.

If you were dangling from a cliff to the left of the dog and I had a nice juicy steak to the right who do you think the dog will be faithful to? I don't care if you have been it's “master” for years I've got the steak that thing is my “pet” now.
Think about the life of an American dog from it's perspective:
“hmm I'm hungry if I bark my pet usually comes down stairs no matter what it is doing and puts food in this bowl for me”
“hmm I want to go outside if I just scratch the crap out of this door my pet will come and let me outside”
Don't give me all this “companionship” junk either if a dog wasn't cute you would hire an exterminator to wipe your house clean of it.
Three Wauseons worth of children are dying today meanwhile America has over 40,000 doctors for pets (and I understand some vets help livestock not just pets) but still 40,000!
dogs are perfectly capable of surviving on their own in the wilderness in fact all animals are and do everyday.
How about we kick all of these worthless selfish animals (I'm talking about pets) out of our homes and put that $14 Billion towards helping some children reach adulthood.
America is filthy rich

how can you tell people how to spend their money. besides, pet therapy is so hot right now. and also seeing eye dogs and service dogs. commy.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like people who have children, too. People ought to just pop that kid out and then throw them outside - survival of the fittest, right? And don't say anything about the so-called "joys" of parenthood, they are false.
ReplyDeleteYes, the cause of the problem of preventable deaths of children is most definitely the ownership of pets.
Kacie, am I sensing some sarcasm?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Adam is saying that pets are the only problem that is causing these preventable deaths. I think he is saying that with the money people would save by not owning a pet, they could help prevent hunger, deaths, etc.
The same logic could be applied to defense spending, military spending, etc.
I do appreciate you taking his logic to the extreme. That is one of my favorite arguing tactics, so kudos to you!
I have no beef with you wanting to purchase an owner to rule over you and your household. I just don’t want one.
ReplyDeleteI’m simply asking what if 37% of America gave 200 dollars per person yearly to help brothers and sisters around the world. I’m asking what if every time you made a selfish purchase that you matched that amount for a selfless purchase.
The same argument and stats could be made about cell phones. Actually it's is worse with those and I could construct the most epic/legendary blog about cell phone usage. Last time I checked, I don't text on my dog and get in car crashes that kill me. Maybe my dog has a keypad hidden under his fur and I just haven't found it yet, Idk?
ReplyDeleteCorrelation to your subject? Your cell phone rings and your owner is on the other line. You drop everything you're doing to answer that S.O.B. cell phone (like training the new girl in our department, you know what I'm talking about), b/c your owner (I won't say his/her name b/c I am a gentle enough soul to keep him/her out of this)is on the other line. Cut the costs of cell phones then Adam, give that up. I know you can't do it b/c you would go in withdraw of cell usage (another blog in and of itself, maybe I need a blog). Do you really need texting? No, dial the number and talk w/ your God-given voice. Do you really need it? Do the math on the price the average person pays for a cell phone per month (including California which I'm sure is where those bogus vets are from; thanks Paris Hilton). Then give that money to the poor and feed those starving Ethiopians in your picture. Do the math on cell usage coorelated to death, and then do the "death math" related to being attacked by savage domesticated dogs. Another number to crunch: the money that could be saved on car repairs and medical bills caused from cell phones car accidents. DO IT, DO IT!
People spend their money on what makes them happy; dogs, cell phones, booze, heroine. There are all kinds of things we can get rid of in this country that cost us money, money that could be used to feed/heal/shleter 3rd world citizens. Way to pick out one in a million excessive spending habits in our country. Did you need $170 (not including tax) MJ shoes that look like they were stolen from Ronald McDonald's closet? A nice pair of $40 shoes (if that) would be sufficient. Nice waste of $130 that could be used to feed starving children a-hole. Think of the children.
Here are your shoes:
Extremely relevant video showing the confusion between Dog and goD...
I see the logic when applied to other spending areas but it's difficult to comment seriously when the post itself was on the extreme side. If you want to get people to consider putting their money towards helping people in other countries or contemplate wasteful spending for defense and the military, go for it. But to go back to the post that is written:
ReplyDelete"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
— Mohandas K. Gandhi
let the record show that I do not care about Gandhi's opinion whatsoever anyone who believe in reincarnation is probably going to care about animals.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying, anyone who can mistreat a living being that didn't do anything to harm them is a double d-bag. TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteWould you consider spending money on a dog toy instead of helping HUMAN children not die from preventable causes mistreating a living being that didn't do anything to harm you?
ReplyDeleteI'm all for helping children and adults who need it, but the fact is that I can give away every cent I have and that problem will still not be fixed. I donate my time and my money to helping people who need it, even though I don't have much. I really do agree with what your main point is in the post, I just think it's hard to take your post seriously when you only back up your numbers given on the crazy amounts of money some people spend on their pets with an incredibly biased and not entirely factual paragraph on why you think pets aren't worth our time and money, when there are sooo many other examples of how disgustingly rich America is. How about you look at how much money people spend on yachts along with the ridiculous wants that come on it or the unnecessary perks that come with certain hotel stays, or the fact that some people get to go on four vacations a year while many people will never leave their hometown in their life? But...dogs?