Jordan Ford Volvo Toyota Presents "Five Star Life....Changing a Generation" Radio-A-Thon hosted by NewsTalk 95.3 Michiana's News Channel. Call in on May 12th -13th to become a Five Star Hero! 574.255.STAR (7827), or visit www.fivestarlife.org to learn more.
Tune in during Matt Patricks morning show from 5am-9am to see why he's so passionate about helping the next generation. Hear from volunteer Five Star Coaches, parents and students about the impact Five Star is having across Michiana! They have turned away more than 400 students this school year that wanted to participate in Five Star! This event will help them raise money to reach more students and grow into more schools.
Become a Five Star Hero
Questions: Call Justin Maust / 574.266.4038
If you are like me and you are thinking "...I don't live anywhere near that area nor am I exactly sure where that is how am I suppose to listen on the radio?" then do I have the link for you just click right HERE Thursday and Friday mornings from 5:00am ET till 9:00am ET to get a good ear full.
now you might also be thinking "hmm did Adam just sell out/pull a shameless plug?" the answer my friends depends on what you consider selling out... if selling out means me simply asking people to tell their friends and family and themselves to give out of your abundant riches (If you live in America you are in the top 5% wealthiest people) to help some people help people who need help. then yes this is a shameless plug and Adam has sold out. But if you think hmmm maybe my dog could go a few more days without that convertible so that I can give some coin to a cause that will bring a slice of the kingdom to this world then you and I my friend are on the same page.
Lastly some of you might be thinking to yourselves "of all the stations in America and all the times to pick something to plug, why would Adam pick this?" well my friends lets just say that if you happen to be tuned into that station this Thursday May 12th at 8:30am ET you might just catch a delightful treat for the ears.
But seriously brothers and sisters PLEASE tell people you know to tune in and listen and if you feel a nudge to give then let nothing stop you.
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